max’s kitchen. established 2018.
i’ve spent much of the past 3 months organizing/throwing out/selling/donating/repurposing/designing/styling/shopping to transform my little home office into a little playroom/office combo. our house is fairly small and with a fast growing, tornado of a toddler ruling all, we realized it was time for more space for her. we initially thought about removing the rarely used wood burning stove in the living room to give more space in there but it would be a lot of trouble and money to do so…and we’d still have all of max’s toys in the living room. not ideal! bill suggested freeing up the space known as my existing office/studio and i’m so glad he pushed me because it’s already a perfect space for her!
i’m still working out some final details in the room including artwork, a new desk chair for myself, updating my mood boards, and perhaps another rug underneath the lulu & georgia you see here {like a soft sisal or jute}. with where the shelves are, the kitchen is, her little table and chairs and then of course accounting for the door to open, the size of rug that makes the most sense also seems a bit too small. you can see a sneak of the shelving side of the room here.
BUT in the meantime, thought i’d share some details on our favorite addition to the room…her kitchen! we knew it was something she’d start to really use around this age so when bill’s parents asked for holiday gift ideas, it was perfect timing. i researched a lot of options and lusted after this gorgeous one from milton & goose but ultimately i wasn’t comfortable with a play kitchen that costs $500, no matter who paid for it nor how special it is.
we settled on this one from teamson kids in the oak color, purchased on amazon, and swapped out the handles for these matte black ones {you want 5″ spacing} since we had them leftover from our kitchen island. you could also just spray paint the existing handles. i was contemplating doing gold and having the handles match the knobs and faucet but ultimately i kinda liked the mix of {faux} silver and black.
the kitchen was suprisingly easy to put together! bill and i started it together while max was napping and he finished it up about an hour or so after that. the fridge is separate from the stove/sink piece which is nice if we want to switch up the layout. the best is the little doll highchair from pottery barn kids so max can feed all her babies.
i’ve put together how you can achieve a similar look and you can shop via the links or below!

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 option 1 , 7 option 2
i’m anxious to finish up the entire space and photograph it, so keep an eye out for that and don’t miss more sneak peeks on insta. oh and next up i’m going to be sharing our favorite play foods, appliances, and accessories!
have a great weekend!
