it’s a new year and with it comes the new mStarr…new logo, new site, new name. we’ve ditched the “event” and are now mStarr design. why? well we do more than events. sure we still specialize in weddings but we also design parties, showers, photo shoots…and i’m super excited to officially expand our services into interior styling, something we’ve been doing a bit on the side until now {and personally, ever since the hubs + i moved into #farmhousedialfano}.
in the coming weeks, you’ll be able to find us at both mstarreventdesign.com AND mstarrdesign.com. admittedly, blogging has fallen by the wayside in the past year {we had a realllllly busy 2015} and up until recently, i actually planned to scrap it. but i thought more about it and the goal is to get back at it, at least somewhat regularly, even if just to share news or recent press. i did, however, discover that it doesn’t seem possible to import old blog posts so this may be a true fresh start! but if there’s anything you’d like to read about moving forward, we’re all ears!
welcome to the new mStarr. take a look around, let us know what you think and if you find anything that may need to be fixed or updated! there always seems to be some kinks to work through in the beginning. hope you enjoy.